Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV)
We are excited to have your children be a part of our Awana Club at Lincoln Hills Bible Church. The name Awana stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15).
Our goal is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Jesus Christ and train them to serve Him. Our Awana club has groups for preschool (3+) through 6th grade and meets during the school year.

3 & 4 Year-olds

Kindergarten to 2nd grade

3rd to 6th grade*
*6th graders have the option of attending AWANA or The Way youth group
The 2024-25 year begins Wednesday, September 4!
You are welcome to visit club meetings whenever you like. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Awana commander or other leader with any questions or concerns.
Club night’s schedule:
6:15 – 6:30pm Check-in
6:30 – 6:40pm Worship (you are welcome to stay with your child during this time)
6:40 – 6:45pm Opening Ceremony (Flag & Prayer)
6:45 – 8:00pm Handbook Time, Council Time, and Game Time
(*Each club has its own schedule for the above three segments in varying order.)
8:00pm Dismissal – Parents, please come into the building to pickup your child/ren.
Parents, you're encouraged to help your child/ren in the following ways:
Assist them in studying handbook sections.
Congratulate them upon their achievements.
Let the leaders know of any special needs or concerns your child may have.
Wednesday Nights At Awana!
Awana Parent Information 2024-2025
Our parking lot can be a busy place at the beginning and end of Awana. We ask that you walk your children into the church to check in between 6:15 and 6:30 pm. (Leaders who are present before then are busy setting up and not yet ready for your children to arrive.) Parents are welcome to stay for opening worship. Children need to be picked up inside when Awana ends at 8:00. Cubbies will be dismissed from their room. Sparks and T&T will be dismissed from the Worship Center.
The Awana at Lincoln Hills follows the Sioux Falls School District’s decisions in case of winter weather. We will cancel Awana if the Sioux Falls School District cancels school that day, releases early, or cancels evening activities due to weather. If the roads where you live are worse than Sioux Falls, we encourage you to use your own judgement. I will send an email if we do cancel club. If you need another form of communication, please let me know.
If your child is ill, please do not share germs by coming to Awana. Any symptoms that would keep your child from school should also keep your child home from Awana.
If you are unable to make it to Awana in a given week because of illness, quarantine, or questionable roads, you can make an appointment to meet with a leader to say your verses on Zoom. Email awana@lhbcsf.org to make an appointment. Any child who attends a Zoom meeting to say verses will receive full points towards dollars for the Awana store for attendance, wearing his uniform, and bringing his book.
We have a variety of theme nights throughout the year. Information about the different nights will be sent home a couple of weeks in advance, and participation is optional. Some nights will award an Awana dollar.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us (awana@lhbcsf.org). We look forward to a wonderful year of fun and growth with your child!