Church Directory Online
Lincoln Hills Bible Church uses an online service called Instant Church Directory that allows you to access the church directory from your computer or smart phone. For safety and privacy reasons only members of Lincoln Hills Bible Church are allowed access to our directory.
If you are a new member of LHBC and are signing in to our directory for the first time, please consult the instructions below. *Please Note: Your email address must already be given to LHBC staff to be entered in the directory prior to accessing it online.

Creating A New Account

From Your Computer
Click the “Create a Login now” link.
In the first box type your email address.
In the second box type a password you wish to use and confirm that password in the bottom box.
Click the “Request Login” button.
Check your email and click on the link in the email to confirm your account.
Return to and login using the email address and the password you created.
*Be sure to bookmark the website to easily access the directory for future reference.